6 Key Benefits Of Teff

For a healthy body and healthy mind

  • “Teff's high protein content increases metabolism, boosts energy, supports muscle growth, and speeds up recovery.”

    High Source of Protein
  • “Did you know one cup of teff contains the same amount of calcium in a half a cup of cooked spinach and even a glass of milk?”

    Healthy Bones & Teeth
  • “Teff is a natural gluten-free grain and a safe, nutritious option for people diagnosed with celiac disease and gluten intolerance and sensitivity.”

  • “Teff has been shown to effectively reduce blood pressure in several research studies, which reduces your chances of suffering from heart attacks, strokes and reduces the strain on your cardiovascular system.”

    Healthy Heart
  • “Teff contains vitamin C which strengthens the immune system and is a key component in collagen, which is needed to create new cells, organs, blood vessels and muscle tissue.”

    Stronger Immune System
  • “Teff is rich in fiber, manganese, and resistant starches, resulting in it having a low glycemic index, and is one of the best grains for blood glucose control.”

    Blood Sugar Control